Image: Pixabay
Corn sales are halted in the domestic market, and cereal prices have started to show different movements among the markets monitored by Cepea – with falls predominating. In regions where corn depreciated, the pressure came mainly from the retraction of buyers, who paid attention to the progress of the harvest and the slower pace of exports.
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According to the Cepea newsletter, some applicants are awaiting deliveries of lots negotiated in advance. In São Paulo, specifically, the smaller presence of buyers and the supply from other states resulted in devaluations in many places in the state. In the region of Campinas (SP), the ESALQ/BM&FBovespa Indicator fell 2.2%, closing at R$ 99.10/sc of 60 kg on Friday, 6th. In places where the movement was still high – such as Recife ( PE), Barreiras (BA), Joaçaba (SC), Ponta Grossa (PR) and Marília (SP) –, support came from greater buyer interest and resistance from sellers in negotiating new lots. In Paraná, values were supported especially by uncertainties regarding supply – it is worth remembering that this was one of the states most affected by climate adversities this year.By: Aline Merladete | agrolink