Mato Grosso had a divided market with a predominance of falls.
The soybean market in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul is undergoing complete maintenance, with no business days, according to information released by TF Agroeconomic. “The Mato Grosso do Sul market has been absent of movement for a day, no region has moved differently. The region's market is going through some difficulties, failing to gain value to the point where it becomes attractive to producers busy with harvests”, he comments.
“At these prices, even with the harvest already completely planted, no business occurred, at these levels the supply is very sensitive to any variation, but remains below the minimum expected to encourage the seller. Let's look at soybean values: Dourados at R$ 174.00. Campo Grande at R$ 174.00. Maracaju at R$ 173.00. Sidrolândia at R$ 172.00. Chapadão do Sul at R$ 171.00”, he adds.
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Mato Grosso had a divided market with a predominance of falls. “This market was divided between maintenance, a small increase and the absolute predominance of falls, but of lower relevance for today. Let's look at the values: Campo Verde at R$ 164.10 while appreciating at an insignificant $ 0.60/bag. Lucas do Rio Verde at R$ 162.00, marking maintenance in relation to the last trading session. Nova Mutum at R$ 159.40, marking a small drop from R$ 0.70/bag. Primavera do Leste at R$ 163.00 after a one-off drop of R$ 1.00/bag. Rondonópolis, in turn, R$ 165.00 also falling at R$ 1.00/bag. Smile, finally, R$ 158.80 ending the day depreciating by 0.40/bag”, he indicates.
Matopiba, in the Northeast, has an almost complete absence of movement, with an increase only in Porto Franco. “The Ferry Region in Maranhão brings prices with the market holding steady for the second consecutive session, price remained at R$ 169.90. Porto Franco-MA marked an increase by increasing R$ 2.00/bag and with that it was R$ 172.00. Porto Nacional-TO, in turn, underwent maintenance and remains at R$ 172.00. Uruçuí-PI closed the day at R$ 155.00, also without moving. And finally, in Luiz Ricardo Magalhães, in Bahia, the price was R$ 165.00, marking maintenance, and with May at R$ 153.00, following”, he concludes.
Source: Leonardo Gottems | agrolink