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Agricultural pesticides are important solutions for protecting agricultural crops against attacks by insects, weeds and fungi, among other problems that harm productivity and can jeopardize the food supply for the population. However, farmers need to be aware of the indications for using these inputs. After all, applying a product that is not registered for the purpose may end up harming the crop's results, compromising the economic results of the business.
“Agricultural pesticides require a lot of attention and care when planning their application. When we use unregistered products, we are putting the region’s flora, fauna and ecosystems at risk,” says Cleber Brandino, an agricultural engineer at a company associated with the National Union of Plant Protection Products Industry (Sindiveg).
This risk, explains the specialist, occurs because the products have very specific indications for use, with proven effectiveness after a long period of scientific validation and registration by regulatory bodies such as the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa), the Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (Mapa).
“When used correctly as approved by regulatory agencies, the products are safe and effective. Incorrect use of agricultural inputs can even involve the risk of poisoning workers, residents and producers, contamination of the water supply and food, and harming people’s health. Therefore, it is extremely important to be strict with the prescriptions on the product leaflet and the agronomic prescription. Only in this way can we prevent incorrect application from harming production and, consequently, compromising the food supply,” says Brandino.
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The economic result is affected by several factors. Firstly, because using pesticides incorrectly means that farmers end up spending more than necessary on the acquisition of these inputs. Secondly, because incorrect use impairs the efficiency of the product. Therefore, it is essential to have the support of an agricultural engineer on rural properties.
“To avoid losses, farmers can consult the list of registered products and their authorized uses in the Mapa Agrofit system,” warns the agronomist. Technical information about the product can also be found in the package insert. It is essential to be aware of the correct use of inputs. Using products without proper registration is a crime.
“Article 84 of Federal Decree 4,074/2002, which regulates Federal Law 7,802/1989, determines that the producer is civilly, criminally and administratively liable for damages caused to the health of consumers and the environment when using pesticides that do not comply with the product registration specifications. Furthermore, regulatory agencies may order the destruction of crops where irregular application has occurred. This is a serious matter,” Brandino concludes.
Making sure that pesticides are properly registered and recommended for certain crops is one of the “Golden Rules for the Use of Agricultural Pesticide”, content developed by Sindiveg to guide farmers on the correct and safe use of inputs. The entity also offers free online training with certification for those interested in learning more about the importance and inappropriate use of pesticides. Both contents are available at www.sindiveg.org.br.
Source: DATA