The numbers available at the National Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels Agency (ANP) confirm: with the current authorized capacity to produce 14.7 billion liters* and a high idle capacity – around 49% –, the Brazilian biodiesel industry has full conditions to meet the blend of biodiesel added to commercial diesel of up to 20% (B20), according to the Association of Biofuel Producers of Brazil (Aprobio).
Aprobio, Abiove, Ubrabio and FPBio from the National Congress indicate that the B20 will require 13.2 billion liters of biodiesel, around 89.8% of the current capacity. Furthermore, in April 2023, the CNPE increased biodiesel from 10% to 12%, progressively increasing to 15% by March 2025. Currently, the Chamber of Deputies is about to vote on the Fuel of the Future Bill, which proposes limits for the mixture , reaching up to 25%.
Alceu Moreira, president of FPBio, highlights the importance of approving the project to guarantee tenacity and legal security for industrial plants. Currently, the industrial park has 60 plants, with 10 in expansion and eight under construction. The current installed capacity already allows the production of B20 and, with the expansions, it would also be possible to supply around 25% of the biodiesel mixture.
*On February 20, the ANP website listed 60 authorized plants with the capacity to produce 40,702 m³/day. This daily capacity is multiplied by 360 days to calculate the annual capacity, which results in 14,652,720 m³, or 14.7 billion liters of diesel.
Source: datagro