Nothing is happening in the soybean market in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, where prices are currently stagnant, according to information released by TF Agroeconômica. “In the local market, for example, today R$ 128.50 was quoted for delivery in August/September, with payment on 09/16. In the interior, in fact, prices followed the quotations of each market, being R$ 124.00 in Cruz Alta, Passo Fundo and Ijuí – payment on 09/16, at the factory, R$ 121.00 in Santa Rosa and São Luiz – payment on 09/16, at the factory. In Panambi, however, prices remained at R$ 112.00 per bag, for the producer”, he comments.
Prices and business are also at a standstill in Santa Catarina. “Business remains at a standstill, as are prices. It is therefore quite difficult to comment on the market due to the lack of expression from producers. In general, it can be said that, during the week, some business takes place, volumes between 1 and 5 million tons. After the initial lows, this scenario finally lasted throughout the day. The price at the port was R$124.00, in Chapecó it was R$117.00”, he adds.
Soybean market in the South and Midwest faces challenges
Paraná is following the same path as other southern states. “While the supply of the 2024/25 soybean harvest is building, so far, without major threats, the commercialization of the oilseed is delayed both in Brazil and in the United States. It can be said that it is an attempt to hold prices by controlling supply, but also a hope for better prices that may not come”, he indicates.
In Mato Grosso do Sul, prices continue to fall, with businesses being held back as much as possible. Furthermore, the logic is the same in all regions, since Chicago is rising slightly and the dollar is eating up any gains. “Dourados: R$ 119.00. Campo Grande: R$ 118.50. Maracaju: R$ 117.50. Chapadão do Sul: R$ 118.50. Sidrolândia: R$ 119.00”, he informs.
Another bad day in Mato Grosso, with a predominance of falls. “This situation of low activity, which was already true last week, continues to be the case today. Opportunities seem to be scarce, with agents waiting for better market conditions, which, however, may not materialize any time soon. Campo Verde: R$ 116.20 (+0.20)”, he concludes.
Source: Leonardo Gottems | agrolink