Image: Pixabay
Cooperation and valorization of the agro-industrial animal protein production chain. This is what the president of the Meat and Meat Products Industry Union in the State of Santa Catarina (Sindicarne), José Antônio Ribas Júnior, expects from the new federal administration.
The director said that the vast meat production chain hopes to participate and be heard in decisions that impact the sector. “As generators of wealth and responsible for feeding so many in so many places, we want to see our demands considered in public policies and strategies”, he points out. He notes that “we all have political positions, but the election ended in November, the will of the people was expressed in a democratic environment. Now we all work for Brazil.”
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The new administrators at the federal and state levels must honor the commitments made and implement the proposals approved by the voter, paving the way for social, economic and environmental development in Brazil. “In this sense, we can be the best partners of our political leaders”, he asserts.
Regarding the reindustrialization program in the country, which should be implemented by BNDES, the president of Sindicarne considers it essential that Brazil resume this priority. “We have lived through years of deindustrialization. The First World industrialized, generated wealth and today is still reaping its fruits. China invests in education, technology and industries in all sectors as a basis for generating prosperity and as national security and sovereignty. Brazil did not experience the fullness or maturity of this cycle. We lack industries in several sectors. From basic industry to cutting-edge technologies.”
Remember that entrepreneurship and Brazilian industrial and commercial development depend on legal security, stable long-term policies, access to credit and, fundamentally, political and democratic stability.
Sindicarne regrets that the Brazilian industrial park is old, of limited efficiency and, consequently, of low competitiveness, especially when compared to China. However, Brazil can become an important alternative to the world, modernizing and creating an attractive environment for investments. This will require a State plan and not just a government plan. “Large investments require long deadlines, security and policy stability”, reminds Ribas.
Agribusiness entities are concerned about some measures that the new government may implement, such as the taxation of agricultural inputs and the withdrawal of some incentives or tax exemptions in the food industry. The businessman is convinced, however, that the current government will analyze it very responsibly and listen to sector representatives, before making any moves. When studying agriculture, analyzing the accounts and understanding the impacts of this sector that generates wealth – it represents 55% of the Brazilian trade balance – everyone will probably sit at the table to discuss the best strategies.
The president of Sindicarne points out that it would be counterproductive to the Federal Government's social policies to discourage investment in agribusiness. He commented that, in Congress, the FPA (Agricultural Parliamentary Front) recognizes and defends agricultural issues with great technical and political competence.
“Our rich country is poor”, proclaims the leader. This scenario will only change with the creation of jobs, food on people's tables and, consistently, generating annual GDP growth above 5%. Any true political leadership knows where the levers of development are.
It is no surprise that in the last COP 26 and 27 COP (United Nations Conference on Climate Change) developed countries cite food production as a central issue of national security and sovereignty. What other country can talk about its agriculture like Brazil: we have health as an asset, competitiveness, quality and sustainability. We have to make these our skills definitive levers to make Brazil a global power.
For these reasons, the union leader does not believe that obstacles will be created for agribusiness. “But we are and will be attentive. We do not want undue advantages or benefits, we just want to exercise our greatest virtue: producing and generating wealth for the country”, he announces. “The Government can and should see us as partners. And together we will leverage our development. Never go back”, declares president José Ribas Júnior.
Source: Notícias Agrícolas