Image: Pixabay
Russian President Vladimir Putin promised his Brazilian counterpart Jair Bolsonaro that Russia “is committed” to maintaining its delivery of much-needed fertilizers to the South American country, The Daily Star wrote.
Speaking in Brazil, Bolsonaro was quoted as saying that the two leaders had discussed “food security” and “energy insecurity” in their June 27 telephone conversation, without giving further details.
In a separate statement, the Kremlin was quoted as saying in the June 29 report that Putin had “emphasized that Russia is committed to fulfilling its obligations to ensure the uninterrupted delivery of Russian fertilizers to Brazilian farmers.”
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According to UkrAgroConsult, Russia supplies 25% of Brazil's fertilizer imports along with large quantities from Belarus.
However, sanctions imposed on Russia and the closure of Ukrainian ports had raised concerns in Brazil – the world's fourth largest fertilizer consumer responsible for 8% of global consumption, DT Next reported on June 28.
Russia is one of Brazil's 15 largest trading partners with bilateral trade in 2021 totaling US$ 7.3 billion last year, according to the report.
Brazil is one of the world's main producers of soybeans, sugar cane, corn, cassava and other agricultural products.
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