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Bill 3472/21 reduces tax rates to zero PIS/Pasep and the Contribution to the Financing of Social Security (Cofins) levied on the sale of premium category cocoa (raw or roasted) and its preparations (butter, fat and oil).
Currently being processed in the Chamber of Deputies, the proposal is from deputy Félix Mendonça Júnior (PDT-BA).
To be entitled to the benefit, the producer must receive the Green Cocoa Seal from the competent federal environmental agency, which certifies production compliance with environmental laws and sustainable exploitation. The seal is included in another project by Mendonça Júnior (PL 2913/21), which is awaiting a vote.
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“This is a measure to encourage the production of superior quality cocoa and its derivative products, without, however, forgetting the need to conserve ecological diversity and its associated values, maintaining as much as possible the functions ecological aspects of the forest”, said the deputy.
The legislation considers cocoa classified as having a high quality standard due to its physical, chemical and sensorial characteristics to be a superior category, in accordance with analysis and certification processes recognized by the public authorities.
The proposal will be analyzed in conclusive character by the Agriculture, Livestock, Supply and Rural Development committees; Finance and Taxation; and Constitution and Justice and Citizenship (CCJ).
Clipping: DATA | Source: Agência Câmara