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The request for withdrawal came shortly after the publication of an official note from the Parliamentary Agricultural Front (FPA), which expressed a position against any taxation. Entities linked to the productive sector also followed the same understanding that the text is harmful to Brazilian agriculture.
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In its justification, the bench highlights that the measure does not take into account the significant increase in production costs in Brazil, especially fertilizers and agricultural pesticides. A fact that would even imply a reduction in the profitability of rural producers.
The FPA also highlights that the project presented disregards losses due to the drought that hit Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paraná, Mato Grosso do Sul and part of São Paulo, which caused losses to producers and the country.
For the president of the FPA, deputy Sérgio Souza (MDB-PR), the role of public authorities is to support both corn producers and consumers at times like this. “We must encourage the growth of agriculture to guarantee the continuity of all production chains, generating wealth for Brazil, as well as employment and income for Brazilians and not restricting alternatives for marketing the harvest”, explained the parliamentarian.
Source: DATA