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A pilot project aims to both train and provide women with decent working conditions, with opportunities for economic advancement and quality of life. The objective is to enhance women's talents so that they are able to develop and enter the world of work, gaining financial autonomy and free from any type of violence.
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Called Qualifica Mulher, the initiative is led by the National Secretariat for Policies for Women (SPM), with support from several other bodies. Investments of R$18 million are planned between agreements, development terms and decentralization of resources that will be invested to expand the possibilities of insertion of women in situations of social vulnerability.
According to SPM, around 7 million women left the job market at the beginning of the quarantine. There are 2 million more compared to men in the same situation. Informative materials will also be made available, in printed and digital format, focusing on women's training and qualifications. In this first stage, at least 24 thousand will benefit, including those who live in the countryside as family farmers who run the enterprises.
By: Eliza Maliszewski | agrolink