Climatic conditions have been favoring grain crops in the main producing regions of Brazil. The perspective is that productivity levels will perform well this season, especially for soybean and corn crops, which drive total volume and should guarantee yet another record in the country's grain harvest. The numbers presented by the National Supply Company (Conab) in the 6th Survey show estimated production at 251.9 million tons, with a variation of 4.1% over the previous harvest and a gain of 9.9 million tons. The announcement was made this Tuesday (10), in Brasília.
The total area, favored by the good distribution of rainfall in most states, is expected to grow by 2.4%, reaching around 64.8 million hectares. First harvest crops account for 46.5 million hectares (71.7%), while second, third and winter crops account for 18 million hectares (28.3%).
A larger area of 2.6% is reserved for soybean crops, with good productivity expected. The estimated production is 124.2 million tons and an increase of 8%, which confirms another record in the historical series, thanks to the good distribution of rain, especially in the Central-West states, where the harvest stages are advanced.
The total production of first and second harvest corn is more than 100 million tons, with a growth of 0.4% above the last harvest, stimulated by the good prices of the cereal on the international market. The estimated area sown for corn in the first harvest is 4.23 million hectares, 3.2% greater than that of the 2018/19 harvest. In the second harvest, whose sowing began in January and continues to occupy the space left by the soybean harvest, area growth should increase by 2.1%, taking into account the productive profitability and favorable weather conditions. The third harvest is estimated at 1.2 million tons.
After significant growth in the cotton area in the last two harvests, which also takes advantage of the space left by the soybean harvest, the Bulletin this time indicates a growth with less variation, around 3.3% in the area, reaching 1.7 million hectares . Production is also a record, expected to reach 2.85 million tons of lint, while the destination for seeds reaches 4.28 million tons, with 1.6 % growth compared to the last harvest.
The first harvest beans, despite having a smaller area sown with an increase of 0.2%, gains 6.1% in production with the help of productivity and reaches 1.05 million tons. The second harvest, which is beginning to be cultivated, should occupy just over 1.4 million hectares, similar to the last harvest. The largest areas during this period are in the states of Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso and Paraná.
On the other hand, the rice harvest shows a reduction of 2.4% in the cultivated area, totaling 1.6 million hectares and a production of 10.5 million tons, 0.8% above that obtained in 2018/19.
Source: Agrolink