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Bulletin provides an overview of cotton farming in the State.
The outlook for cotton production in Goiás in 2023 is positive, with a projection of an increase in the planted area and production in the State. Cotton farming in Goiás is the main highlight of the March edition of Agro em dados, a technical bulletin from the State Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (Seapa). The publication also provides updated analysis and figures on six other important chains: beef, pork, chicken, dairy, soy and corn. The objective is to monitor the sector's performance on a monthly basis.
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According to the National Supply Company, Goiás's crops are expected to deliver 123.8 thousand tons of cotton in 2023, which represents an increase of 1.5% in relation to the result of 2022. The volume corresponds to 1.7% of national production and gives the State ranked sixth in the ranking of largest producers between States and the Federal District. Also according to the entity, the planted area should also increase by 1.5%, reaching 27.5 thousand hectares. Productivity should remain stable at 4.5 tons/hectare.
The March edition of Agro em dados shows a historical series of production, planted area and cotton productivity in Goiás, from 2006 to 2022. Through the publication, it is also possible to get to know the largest exporters (Goiás is the fifth) and the main buyers of Brazilian cotton (Turkey leads the list, followed by China). Finally, the bulletin provides a history of cotton lint prices over the last two years. The average price fell 1.8% in February, according to the Cepea/Esalq indicator.
“From 2021 to 2022, cotton exports jumped from US$ 73.6 million to US$ 235.9 million; while imports fell from US$ 600.6 thousand to US$ 415.4 thousand”, recalls the Secretary of State for Agriculture, Livestock and Supply, Tiago Mendonça. “We are in constant dialogue with entities in the sector, such as the Faeg/Senar System and Agopa, monitoring the chain and supporting the producer with infrastructure, credit and technical assistance so that the numbers remain positive”, he adds.
In this edition of Agro em dados, the president of the Goiana Agency for Technical Assistance, Rural Extension and Agricultural Research (Emater), Pedro Leonardo Rezende, writes an article about the entity's 64 years, completed on March 3. “To get an idea of the size of Emater’s presence in the state, in 2022 almost 60 thousand services were provided, considering the 200 local offices spread across all regions and serving the 246 municipalities in Goiás. The actions impacted more than 30 thousand people”, he states.
Source: agrolink