Image: Pixabay
A project developed by Escola Espaço Criativo/Colégio Enigma, with the support of the Bahian Association of Cotton Producers (Abapa) and the company SLC Agrícola, is contributing to ensuring that, in the coming decades, the landscape around the municipality of Barreiras, and of others in the surrounding area, is even more colorful, with the addition of 300 new Ipê trees, a symbol of the cerrado. And also that the students who participated in the initiative have a permanent memory of their time at school and a reminder of the importance of the environment for their lives.
The planting of seedlings donated by the cotton growers' entity and SLC Agrícola carries much more meaning than the small increase of these 300 trees in the biome, because it is only the final part of a project that was developed throughout the semester, involving disciplines such as Science and Geography, integrated into a sustainability context, with an approach to protecting natural resources, such as water and soil, waste management, and various other related content. To overcome the difficulties imposed by the pandemic, which begin with the absence of students in the classroom, the teachers set up a drive thru to deliver the seedlings.
But the work of students in the sixth, seventh and ninth years of Elementary School II is far from over. “After planting, they will have to take care of their seedlings and send photos monthly, so we can see how the plants are developing. And this will count as an extra point in the final average for the year”, reports the pedagogical coordinator of Fundamental II, Janaína Câmara. According to her, over the months of preparing the project, they studied in detail the chosen tree, the ipê, covering themes linked to botany and agriculture. Depending on the year, they had to prepare special material, such as a folder, magazine, and even a cordel and a parody. In the midst of all this production, they also attended an interactive class to discuss the topic.
"It was a great success. We received the seedlings from Abapa and SLC, placed them in special packaging and handed them to the students who came to leave their semester work at the school. Even the 40 seedlings that were left, after the drive thru, ended quickly when we announced it in the parents group, on WhatsApp”, celebrates the teacher.
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Living memory
The action also took into account the context in which the students are inserted, where agriculture is the great driving force of the economy, in all its sectors, directly or indirectly. “We asked these students if their parents and grandparents, several of them pioneer farmers in the region, had planted a tree. Many stories went back in time based on this response, and that is what we want: that, in 20 years, when these students will be adults, they can have a living memory in that tree”, said Janaína
Happy with the result of the initiative, the president of Abapa, Luís Carlos Bergamaschi, praised the project. “This is the type of activity that generates a permanent gain for everyone involved, with increased awareness and a more refined perception for these students about the place they belong to and the meaning it has. Abapa believes and invests in education, the most effective tool for social transformation. And when it adds agricultural production, food, fiber, and even as a form of nature conservation, education becomes an even more powerful force. We hope to see actions like this being replicated in all schools”, stated the president.
Source: Notícias Agrícolas