Image: Pixabay
The winter months in Mato Grosso are not cold, but very dry. Crop fires may occur and workers on rural properties must be prepared to deal with the emergency situation. Therefore, Bom Futuro carried out training at the beginning of July for the company's agricultural pilots to assist in operations on farms and also in places in the municipality where there is a need.
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“The big difference between agricultural operations and fire operations is the pilot’s need to understand teamwork. In agriculture, he is alone spraying the crops, in a fire he is a support tool that will help the team on the ground in effective combat”, explains Astor Schlindwein, agricultural pilot and flight instructor.
The training provides greater safety and efficiency in operations using aircraft on Bom Futuro’s rural properties. According to the Digital Innovation and Agricultural Planning manager, David Mendes, after this training the pilots are able to operate in any fire emergency condition.
“We are entering a very dry period in the state and attention has to be redoubled in this sense so that we can protect lives”, he says. Mendes also emphasizes that agricultural aircraft are prepared to fight fires with equipment suitable for this purpose.
Instructor Schlindwein, who together with Mônica Sarmento taught the course, reinforced the importance of training. “They are extremely experienced pilots and are used to flying in difficult conditions with restricted loads. So, with this brief training they can already achieve great precision as a firefighting pilot.”
Paulo França, agricultural pilot at Bom Futuro and student on the training course, reinforces the need to acquire new knowledge. “Agribusiness must also prepare for these situations and train its pilots. I just have to thank Bom Futuro’s initiative and confidence in our potential”, he concludes.
Source: agrolink