Image: Pixabay
The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) released this Wednesday (3) the performance of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for 2020. The agricultural sector was the only one that registered an increase of 2.0% in the year compared to 2019 .
Overall, given the adverse effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, national GDP fell by 4.1% compared to 2019, the lowest rate in the historical series, which began in 1996. The volume totaled R$ 7.4 trillion in the year. Sectors such as Industry (-3.5%) and Services (-4.5%) led to the fall.
In relation to the fourth quarter, agricultural GDP fell 0.5% compared to the third quarter. In comparison with the fourth quarter of 2019, agricultural GDP showed a drop of 0.4%.
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Agribusiness gains in 2020 resulted from growth in production and productivity gains in agricultural activities, which overcame the weak performance of livestock and fishing activities. Highlights include soybeans with an increase of 7.1% and coffee with 24.4%, which achieved record productions in the historical series.
The Gross Value of Agricultural Production (VBP) is estimated at R$ 1.002 trillion for this year 2021. There was a real increase of 11.8% compared to last year (R$ 896.7 billion).
By: Eliza Maliszewski | agrolink