The agricultural commodities market and the energy sector are in the spotlight with the latest news on oil, Brazilian crop planting and weather conditions. corn in Argentine. These factors are interconnected and can influence the prices of products derived from soy and corn. Some factors may impact the market, such as oil prices are on the rise, leading investors to keep an eye on possible implications for other sectors.
The rise in oil prices could have a significant impact on the prices of soybeans and their derivatives. This is because oil plays a crucial role in the production chain of biofuels, widely used in agriculture.
Soybean producers in Brazil have reasons for optimism, as the planting of the crop remains advanced following the arrival of the long-awaited rains in several regions of the country. The relief provided by the rains is a relief for farmers, who now have better conditions to sow their crops. This could lead to a more robust harvest and positively influence soybean prices.
While Brazil celebrates the beneficial rains, Argentina faces a challenging scenario. The lack of rain is damaging the country's corn crops, with only 15% of them in good condition. This raises concerns about corn production in Argentina and its implications for the global commodities market.
Source: Aline Merladete | agrolink