Image: Pixabay
Petrobras announced this Tuesday morning (16), after approval the day before by its Executive Board (DE), the end of international price parity for oil and derivatives, such as gasoline and diesel. The new commercial strategy will use as a reference: the customer's alternative cost, as a value to be prioritized in pricing, and the marginal value for Petrobras.
According to the company, the customer's alternative cost includes the main supply alternatives, whether suppliers of the same products or substitute products, while the marginal value for Petrobras is based on the opportunity cost given the various alternatives for the company, including production , import and export of said product and/or oil used in refining.
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“With this commercial strategy, Petrobras will be more efficient and competitive, acting with more flexibility to compete in markets with its competitors. We will continue to follow market references, without giving up the competitive advantages of being a company with large production capacity and flow and transport structure throughout the country”, highlights the President of Petrobras, Jean Paul Prates.
The announcement ends the mandatory subordination to the import parity price, maintaining alignment with competitive prices per sales hub, with a view to the best alternative accessible to customers. “Our model will consider Petrobras' participation and competitive price in each market and region, the optimization of our refining assets and profitability in a sustainable manner”, declared the director of Logistics, Commercialization and Markets at Petrobras, Claudio Schlosser.
Competitive pricing also maintains a price level that guarantees the realization of investments foreseen in the Strategic Planning. Petrobras reinforces its commitment to generating value and long-term financial sustainability, preserving its operations in balance with the market, while providing its customers with greater predictability by containing sudden spikes in volatility.
Dynamics of readjustments
The adjustments will continue to be made without a defined periodicity, avoiding the passing on to internal prices of the cyclical volatility of international prices and the exchange rate.
Decisions regarding commercial strategy continue to be subordinated to the Executive Market and Price Group, made up of the company's President, the Executive Director of Logistics, Commercialization and Markets and the Financial and Investor Relations Director.
Diesel and gasoline price adjustments will continue to be disclosed in customer communication channels and on the company's website (precos.petrobras.com.br), where information regarding your share and that of other agents in the formation and composition is also made available. of average consumer fuel prices.
Finally, it should be noted that the commercial strategy is aligned with the Internal Market Price Formation Guideline (Guideline) approved by the Board of Directors on July 27, 2022.
– Competitive prices per sales location;
– Optimal participation of Petrobras in the market;
– Optimization of your refining assets;
– Profitability in a sustainable manner.
Source: Jhonatas Simião | Notícias Agrícolas