On Tuesday (30), transactions carried out with eggs maintained the same basis as the previous day: the average price of a box of white eggs being traded from R$75.00 to R$77.00 and red eggs from R$77.00 to R$81, 00. According to Jox Assessoria Agropecuária, surpluses in all links of the marketing chain continue to leave the market weak and prices under pressure. As a result, deals were also carried out below the reference values.
For now, after remaining 60 days with prices equal to or lower than those practiced in the same period of the previous year, current prices are higher. Not that the current market is better than the previous one: the price drop in recent days was less intense than those seen last year. Thus, while currently the decline in relation to that practiced at the beginning of August reaches 93.8% and is close to the average of the last nine years, in August 2016 the decline reached 86%.
Source: Agrolink