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The corn market in the state of Rio Grande do Sul is waiting for new facts, according to information released by TF Agroeconomic. “There is no big news for the State of Rio Grande do Sul in the commercialization of corn. The market seemed to repeat the movement that had been seen yesterday, with producers preferring to sell on the spot, and indications of industries starting in April – despite the majority of these being concentrated in May”, he comments.
Santa Catarina registered indications rising to R$ 85.00 and a seller's market without lots. “The indications were higher in the State of Santa Catarina today and, like Paraná, this was not enough for sellers to be willing to offer lots. The few negotiations were for lots of up to 600 tons only. In Maravilha, purchase indication at R$ 85.00 + ICMS. In the Canoinhas region, lots sell for R$ 84.00, and R$ 84.50 in Campos Novos; both locations had purchase indications at R$ 82.00”, he adds.
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In Paraná the week ended calmly. “The commercialization of corn showed no new developments today in the State of Paraná, and basically, the lots that were seen when the market closed yesterday remained today with the same orders. The indications appeared to be greater, however, without sellers placing lots on the market. In Campos Gerais, lots starting at R$ 82.00 with purchase instructions at R$ 80.00”, he indicates.
Meanwhile, producer orders increase in Mato Grosso do Sul. “The movement here was no different. Orders increased – a lot – compared to yesterday, and trading companies preferred not to open prices, already punished by freight that increases almost daily. Therefore, the market showed no movement and we had no reports of corn business”, he concludes.
By: Leonardo Gottems | agrolink