Image: Pixabay
The Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Carlos Fávaro, declared a state of zoosanitary emergency throughout the national territory due to the detection of infection by the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (IAAP) – H5N1 – in wild birds in Brazil. The measure was published in the extra edition of the Official Gazette of the Union this Monday (22), in Ordinance nº 587.
The Act is valid for 180 days and is another measure by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (Mapa) to prevent the disease from reaching subsistence and commercial poultry production, as well as to preserve fauna and human health.
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“The declaration of a state of animal health emergency enables the mobilization of funds from the Union and coordination with other ministries, governmental organizations – at the three levels: federal, state and municipal – and non-governmental organizations. This entire process is to ensure the workforce, logistics, financial resources and technological materials necessary to carry out emergency actions aimed at preventing the spread of the disease”, explains Minister Fávaro.
New confirmed cases
On Monday afternoon (22), the Federal Agricultural Defense Laboratory of São Paulo (LFDA-SP), a reference unit of the World Organization for Animal Health (OMSA), confirmed three new positive cases of avian influenza (H5N1) in the state of Espírito Santo, which were under investigation since last week.
Wild birds of the species Thalasseus acuflavidus (popular name Trinta-réis-de-bando) were found in the municipalities of Linhares, Itapemirim and Vitória.
To date, there are eight confirmed cases in wild birds, seven in the state of Espírito Santo, in the municipalities of Marataízes, Cariacica, Vitória, Nova Venécia, Linhares and Itapemirim, and one in the state of Rio de Janeiro, in São João da Barra. . The birds are of the species Thalasseus acuflavidus (bunch tern), Sula leucogaster (brown booby) and Thalasseus maximus (royal tern).
The Map continues to warn the population not to collect birds they find sick or dead and to contact the nearest veterinary service to prevent the disease from spreading.
There are no changes to Brazil's IAAP-free status before the World Organization for Animal Health, as there is no registration in commercial production.
Fairs with flocks of birds
Ordinance No. 587 also extends, for an indefinite period, the validity of the suspension of exhibitions, tournaments, fairs and other events with crowds of birds and the raising of birds outdoors, with access to paddocks without screens on the top, in establishments registered with the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (Mapa).
The measure applies to any species of production, ornamental, passerine birds, wild or exotic birds in captivity and other birds bred for other purposes.
Emergency Operations Center
Also this Monday (22), the Agricultural Defense Secretariat agreed to install the Emergency Operations Center (COE) for coordination, planning, evaluation and control of national actions regarding avian influenza.
The group will be responsible for coordinating prevention, surveillance and public health care actions, as well as coordinating information between other ministries, bodies, state agencies and the private sector.
Source: datagro