Minister of Agriculture presents investment opportunities in Brazilian agriculture to foreign companies

Minister Tereza Cristina (Agriculture, Livestock and Supply) met on Friday (14), via videoconference, with members of the Business Council for International Understanding (BCIU). In addition to presenting the current scenario of Brazilian agribusiness, the minister spoke about investment opportunities in the sector.

The minister commented that, even in the midst of global crises in public health and the economy, the agricultural sector has been standing out, with record numbers of grain harvests and an increase in exports. According to her, Brazil developed a tropical agriculture model based on technological development and a solid legal framework. “We are working to make Brazil the main food supplier in the world, ensuring global food security with sustainability and health,” said Tereza Cristina.

Regarding new instruments and green finances, the minister recalled Law 13,986/2020, which modernizes Brazilian agribusiness financing policy, reducing bureaucracy for rural producers' access to credit and opening up new possibilities for raising funds. She also spoke about the memorandum of understanding with the Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI), to intensify the green finance segment in Brazil.

“We built a Brazilian Sustainable Agribusiness Investment Plan with identification of necessary criteria for projects to have access to these resources. We are in the dialogue phase with investors, certifiers, issuers and regulators to understand their real needs, especially those of investors”, he said.

Investment opportunities in infrastructure were also presented by the minister. She recalled that for the period 2020 to 2022, investments of US$ 8.7 billion are planned for infrastructure works in ports, highways, railways and waterways with a major impact on the agricultural sector. “Brazil expects investments in infrastructure, mainly logistics, from several partners around the world to support Brazilian agriculture.”

BCIU is a non-partisan organization that works to expand international markets and trade. Helps 200 member companies engage internationally and facilitate mutually beneficial relationships between business and government leaders around the world.

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Tereza Cristina recalled that Brazil developed a tropical agriculture model based on technological development and a solid legal framework, a model that allowed the country to become one of the main global players in agribusiness, preserving 66% of its national territory with native vegetation. “For our work agenda focused on sustainability to come to fruition, we will need foreign investment and technological partnerships.”

According to the minister, Brazilian production should grow by 40% by 2050, combined with a target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40% compared to current levels. “This is the Brazilian goal, and I am sure that we will achieve it,” he said.

Mapa’s strategic priorities for the sustainability of Brazilian agriculture are based on three pillars: land and environmental regularization; Encouraging the dissemination of tropical agricultural technologies; and Productive inclusion for income generation. “We are working hard to ensure the expansion of our production in a sustainable way,” said the minister, adding that combating illegal deforestation is a priority for the Bolsonaro government.

Source: DATA


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