On Tuesday (18), prices corn futures started operating in the positive field of the Brazilian Stock Exchange (B3). Furthermore, the main prices fluctuated between R$ 57.25 and R$ 68.05 at around 10:14 am (Brasília time).
For example, traders quoted the July/24 maturity at R$ 57.25, increasing it by 0.35%. Next, September/24 was valued at R$ 60.71, with a gain of 0.36%. Furthermore, they traded November/24 for R$ 64.64, valuing it at 0.37%. Finally, January/25 reached the value of R$ 68.05, presenting an increase of 0.07%.
Foreign Market and B3
The Chicago Stock Exchange (CBOT) also opened its activities this Monday with positive movements for international corn futures prices at around 9:44 am. Consequently, they quoted July/24 at US$ 4.47 with an increase of 3.25 points, September/24 was worth US$ 4.53 with an increase of 3.00 points, in addition, they traded December/24 at US$ 4, 65 with a gain of 2.75 points, and March/25 was at US$ 4.76 with an increase of 3.00 points.
On the other hand, according to information from the international website Successful Farming, the slight reduction in the quality of US crops in the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) harvest progress report yesterday is supporting the rises for corn futures in Chicago.
“Corn futures rose moderately overnight as 72% of the US crop was in good or excellent condition at the start of the week, down from 74% seven days earlier,” highlights Successful Farming analyst Tony Dreibus.
Source: Guilherme Dorigatti | agrolink