Corn prices continue to fall in most regions monitored by Cepea. The good development of the summer harvest and the reduction in exports have favored an increase in availability and transit stocks on the domestic market. Thus, buyers continue to exert pressure on values.
In the region of Campinas (SP), according to Cepea researchers, the downward movement in prices was alleviated in the last week. Support came from the retraction of sellers, who bet on further increases with the appreciation of the dollar against the Real. For the ESALQ/BM&FBovespa Indicator (reference in the region of Campinas, SP), the seven-day accumulated variation was negative at 0.7%, after a drop of 4.2% in the previous week, with a 60-kilo bag quoted at R$ 39 .03 on Friday the 18th.
Source: Cepea/Esalq