Corn opens higher in Chicago on Wednesday

Milho abre em alta em Chicago nesta quarta
Image: Pixabay

Wednesday (19) starts with prices corn futures showing high volatility, although slightly retreated on the Brazilian Stock Exchange (B3). The main quotations fluctuated in the range between R$ 72.72 and R$ 80.40 at around 10:07 am (Brasília time). 

The market quoted the March/25 contract at R$ 80.40, down 0.43%. The May/25 contract was worth R$ 76.70, down 0.29%, while the July/25 contract was priced at R$ 72.72, down 0.27%.

External market 

On the Chicago Stock Exchange (CBOT), international corn futures prices were trading in the positive field at the opening of this Wednesday, with advances recorded around 09:50 (Brasília time). 

The market quoted the March/25 contract at US$ 5.03, up 1.25 points. The May/25 contract was worth US$ 5.16, up 1.00 points. July/25 was traded at US$ 5.19, up 1.00 points. September/25 was worth US$ 4.80, up 0.25 points.

According to information from the international website Successful Farming, corn futures contracts saw a modest rise in overnight trading amid strong demand for agricultural products from the United States and minor concerns about the weather in South America. 

US corn purchase commitments increased by 28% to 46.4 million tonnes, according to data from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). 

Source: Guilherme Dorigatti | Notícias Agrícolas


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