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The presence of women in agribusiness is growing. Official data show that they are responsible for 19% of rural properties in the country. However, recent research, such as that of the Brazilian Association of Rural Marketing and Agribusiness (ABMRA), shows that this number continues to rise, reaching 30%.
Women are present in command of rural properties, of agricultural multinationals, at the head of the most important political department in the sector which is the Ministry of Agriculture, conducting research, providing technical advice on the activity.
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Now women in agribusiness are receiving a tribute through the launch of a soybean seed brand. Ellas Genética, from SEEDCORP|HO, was officially presented to a group of women agribusiness journalists this Tuesday (27). It is a genetic brand that expands the company's germplasm bank and will follow specific characteristics. The logo brings traces of femininity but without the stereotypical pink color; Only women will work for the brand, as is the case with the team of agricultural engineers, which has three professionals but should be expanded.
“We decided to pay tribute to women in agriculture. It is a second brand, for marketing reasons, but one that celebrates female strength in the field”, says the company's Director of Operations, Daniel Glat.
There are four soybean varieties with IPRO technology, with resistance to cyst nematodes, tolerance to herbicides, leaf health and grain weight. They initially arrive in Central Brazil but are expected to soon expand to other regions of the country. The brand hopes to reach 800 to 900 thousand bags, of 200 thousand seeds each, in 5 years.
The agronomist engineer, responsible for research and specialist in plant improvement, Michele Possobon, highlights that there are varieties from early to late varieties and a technological package that is reflected in productivity. “Soy generates a lot of resources and research, built-in packages against caterpillars, tolerance to herbicides and to have ever-increasing potential. The brand was born with a broad maturation group, with competitiveness for the producer”, he says.
In the 2021/22 harvest, four representatives will receive two thousand bags of seeds to multiply with reference producers in their regions and research foundations. They are: Sementes Bom Jesus (MT), Cereal Ouro (GO), Sinagro (MT) and Cia.Seeds (BA). The varieties were named after women. Each graduate nominated one: Luiza, Elisa, Suzi and Lynda.
The investment in the new brand, including publicity and seed donation for producers to test this year, was in the order of R$ 1 million. With this, together, the company's two brands, HO Genética and Ellas Genética, will concentrate 15% of the market in Brazil. It is expected that within three years the brand's operations will be expanded throughout Brazil and also South America.
By: Eliza Maliszewski | agrolink