Image: Pixabay
The 9th estimate for the 2021/22 corn harvest brought a new perspective on the area, productivity and production of the cereal. Thus, the area was now estimated at 6.39 million hectares, an increase of 1.17% compared to the previous report. Regarding productivity, the new number was measured at 102.10 sc/ha, a decrease of 1.63% compared to last month's release.
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The Mato Grosso Institute of Agricultural Economics (IMEA) reported that, in terms of regions, those that showed the greatest drop were the west, southeast and northwest with 5.99%, 2.97% and 1.95%, respectively. The reduction was driven by the impacts of the lack of rain that has been occurring since April 22 on the state's crops, mainly in areas that were sown after the ideal planting window. Finally, despite the increase in area, the drop of 1.70 sc/ha in average productivity reflected on the estimated production, which is now 39.31 million tons.