Dairy activity was the central theme of the Microregional Field Day, held this Tuesday (16/05), in the town of São Pedro do Iraxim, in São José do Ouro. The event held by Emater/RS-Ascar, in partnership with the City Hall, had the collaboration of the family of Eloe and Wilson Poletto, who opened the property to welcome more than 230 participants. There were four technical stations that addressed topics such as renewable energy, dairy cattle nutrition, compost barn and animal waste management.
The compost barn dairy cattle breeding system was presented by Emater/RS-Ascar agronomist Amauri Pivotto and producers Rafael Bergamo and Wilson Poletto. The compost barn consists of keeping animals confined on a bed of sawdust and its basic operating principle is composting the bed. On this occasion, the producers and the agronomist provided important information and precautions such as temperature, ventilation of the facilities, humidity, among other aspects that influence the quality and success of the System. According to them, among the objectives of the System is the creation of a comfortable environment for the animals, which, consequently, reflects on milk production.
In the station that addressed the nutrition and feeding of dairy cattle, the agronomist from Emater/RS-Ascar, Vilmar Wruch Leitzke, explained the functioning of the animals' rumen and warned producers about aspects relating to the digestive physiology of ruminants, associated nutritional balance and balance of fiber, energy and protein in the diet. Leitzke also spoke about pasture planning, aiming to avoid voids in months like April, May and June. “In these three months, milk production drops to around 30%,” he said.
The agronomist from Embrapa Swine and Poultry, Evandro Carlos Barros, presented the station on the management and use of cattle waste. He warned about the fertilizing power of waste, as well as the environmental risks it poses. “The proper use of this waste is very important so that the property remains sustainable and does not cause environmental damage. Furthermore, waste has fertilizing power, which can reduce costs when used for organic fertilizer. The best example is composting, as it conserves nutrients and transforms it into fertilizer that can be used on crops, preventing this waste from going into water sources”, he explained.
Wind energy was also the topic of a station, presented by electrical engineer, Paulo Ricardo Silva. This type of energy has been installed on the Poletto family property for a year. “It is green energy, of medium cost. Here on this property, the energy produced is used for all consumption in the dairy and the house.” He explained that to evaluate the cost, some elements are necessary such as power, wind speed and frequency, altitude, humidity, among others.
The regional manager of Emater/RS-Ascar, Oriberto Adami, highlighted at the opening of Field Day that events like this are being held in the region. He highlighted the Institution's priority in activities that generate income for the producer, aiming at quality of life and family succession on properties. He also said that the staff is constantly undergoing qualifications in strategic areas. The municipal coordinator of Agriculture, Wilson Rizzon, spoke of the importance of events like this for the municipality and thanked Emater/RS-Ascar for their efforts.
In the opinion of the municipal team, the event exceeded expectations. “We expected the participation of around 150 people and this number rose to 230, with representatives from ten municipalities. We credit this success to the importance of dairy farming for the municipalities in the region, the quality of the lectures and speakers, as well as the mobilization carried out by Rural Extension. It is our job to provide producers with important information for their activities”, said agronomist and head of the municipal office of Emater/RS-Ascar, Leônidas César Dutra.
Producer Délcio Silvestri, from the municipality of Cacique Doble, left the event satisfied. “Every time we participate, we always learn new things. As producers, we are working on the property and there is always someone researching and looking for new things. So, you have to participate and have the chance to see what is new and what works. Today, for you to continue in your activity, you have to improve and to do that, you have to strive. It's better than these events, which in addition to having the theoretical part, you see on the property how it's working, you get the opinion of producers who have been working for longer. At first you look at it and it's perfect, but it's not quite like that. If you intend to install it, you can improve your property, you take the mistakes or problems that occurred here and try to fix them there”, said Silvestri.
For the host, WilsonPoletto, the day was great. “I even get emotional. I always say that I'm passionate about milk cows, I really like the activity, but we try to do it to make money too. I am very pleased that people responded to Emater's call. The opportunity to exchange knowledge is excellent. The property is always available”, he concluded.
Source: Agrolink