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Coamo Agroindustrial Cooperativa, a traditional grain cooperative and the largest in the country, is planning to produce corn ethanol by the beginning of 2022, according to information from the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo.
The cooperative is currently carrying out a feasibility study for the production of the fuel and is awaiting approval at the assembly. Despite the smaller cereal harvest this year, high sales prices have compensated for losses in the field.
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In the 2021/22 season, Coamo expects to receive 160 million tons of grains, of which just over 50 million tons of corn. Of this volume, only 2% to 3% goes to the manufacture of feed, hence the decision to produce ethanol.
Coamo, headquartered in Campo Mourão, in the state of Paraná, is in a strategic region for ethanol production, as there are no sugarcane plants in some areas of the South region.
For Airton Galinari, executive president of the cooperative, in an interview with Folha, it is increasingly necessary to add value to production and the decision to use corn ethanol follows this logic. Currently, up to 40% of wheat is processed by Coamo into flour.
Source: Notícias Agrícolas