The Japanese companies Mitsui & Co., Ltd and Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha Ltd., better known as ISK, decided to invest in a partnership targeting the Brazilian Ouro Fino Química Ltda. On that occasion, the Asian companies announced the purchase of 25% of Ourofino shares, betting on an increasingly growing market in the country.
“Brazil is the world’s largest market for agricultural pesticides, accounting for approximately 20% of the global market. Population growth, especially in developing countries, has proven to be a key factor in the growth of the agricultural inputs market (including agrochemicals, fertilizers, seeds, etc.), and the Brazilian market is expected to continue benefiting from this trend in the future. future”, said the Mitsui press office.
According to the president and founding partner of Ourofino, Norival Bonamichi, the main objective of the partnership is to join efforts to increase prominence in the global agrochemicals market and add value to Brazilian farmers. “Ourofino Agrociência, its customers and suppliers will benefit greatly from the knowledge and investment in new research that the two companies will add to the business. Combined with the current management model, which has made the company successful to date, the partnership will boost our strength in competitive Brazilian agribusiness”, he comments.
For Mitsui, by investing in this project, the two foreign companies intend to contribute to the expansion of Ourofino's business in Brazil, inducing synergy with Mitsui's assets around the world and introducing ISK's competitive products into Ourofino's portfolio. The completion of the transaction is subject to precedent conditions and adjustments usual in transactions of this nature.
Source: agrolink | Author: Leonardo Gottems