Image: Jorge Metne
The largest edition in the history of GAF brought together authorities for debates on food security, climate change and sustainability
The Global Agribusiness Forum (GAF) ends its fifth edition with a close look at the sector's next steps to guarantee a sustainable future for the entire production chain, with a view to food security in the world. The meeting was attended by the President of the Republic, Jair Bolsonaro, ministers Ciro Nogueira (Civil House), Marcos Montes (Agriculture), Joaquim Leite (Environment), Paulo Guedes (Economy), Luiz Eduardo Ramos (General Secretariat of Presidency), Fábio Faria (Communications), among other authorities from the first level of the federal executive, as well as ministers from other countries, ambassadors, parliamentarians, sector leaders, producers and businesspeople.
“GAF is more than an event, it is a movement in favor of sustainable development, and this year’s main proposal is to discuss, urgently, global challenges and opportunities related to food security, sustainability and climate change”, he highlighted Sérgio Bortolozzo, president of GAF, who added: “Brazil has been internationally recognized as a protagonist of global food security and the generation of clean and renewable energy, thanks, in particular, to the development of a unique model of tropical agriculture”.

Image: Jorge Metne
In his speech at the opening ceremony, the President of the Republic, Jair Bolsonaro, highlighted that Brazilian agribusiness guarantees food security for more than a billion people around the world. “Without Brazil, the world goes hungry”, highlighted the president.
The Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (Mapa), Marcos Montes, highlighted during his participation that Brazilian rural producers have already been using good practices and there is the potential to transform 60 to 70 million hectares of degraded pastures into productive areas in the country. “Brazil is one of the few countries in the world capable of increasing productivity and producing more food in the coming decades to meet global demand, thanks to the continuous use of tropical technology,” said Montes.
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Addressing topics such as the challenge of sustainable production in times of conflict, new consumer demands, food and food security, logistics integration, access to markets and big data, GAF 2022 featured 135 speakers from different parts of the world and 32 panels in two-day event, with an in-person audience of more than 2,500 people and 10,000 online visits, with a worldwide reach.
The GAF is jointly promoted by the Brazilian Rural Society (SRB), Brazilian Corn Producers Association (Abramilho), International Corn Alliance (Maizall), Zebu Cattle Breeders Association (ABCZ), Brazilian Association of Fruit and Fruit Products Exporters (Openfruits), O National Sugar Energy Forum, National Corn Ethanol Union (Unite) Brazilian Animal Protein Association (ABPA) and independent agricultural consultancy, DATA.