For the beef and fat cow market, the scenario observed was one of firm prices. The values offered for the arroba of the finished animal are increasingly aligned in the market, with little variation both above and below the references.
The firmness in prices gradually brings livestock businesses that were out of the market back into business, with this resulting in some industries now managing to increase the number of animals slaughtered and lengthen their scales. In São Paulo the arroba was quoted at R$139.00, in cash, free of Funrural this Wednesday (26/4), an increase of 0.7% in relation to the last closing.
In the wholesale bone-in beef market, beef from castrated animals was quoted at R$9.61/kg. For the short term, drops in prices for bone-in meat cannot be ruled out, as the end of the month is marked by the decapitalization of the population and a consequent reduction in meat consumption.
Source: Agrolink