Image: Pixabay
Russia's decision to suspend the restrictions it had maintained, since September last year, on beef exports from slaughterhouses in Mato Grosso, proves the quality of meat from Mato Grosso and is a recognition of the health of the state's herd, according to the Association of Breeders of Mato Grosso (Acrimat).
The imposition of restrictions occurred a year ago due to the identification of atypical cases of “mad cow” disease. On that occasion, Russia suspended imports of Mato Grosso beef from animals over 30 months of age. This Monday (26), Russia decided to resume purchases of Brazilian meat.
The decision was informed by Russia through a statement from the Federal Service for Sanitary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor) of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture, which reported that “in connection with the improvement in the Brazilian territory of the epizootic situation of bovine spongiform encephalopathy, from September 21, 2022, the previously introduced temporary restrictions are cancelled.”
For Acrimat's technical director, veterinarian Francisco Manzi, the decision, although delayed, confirms what had already been reported a year ago: that there is no risk of contamination from mad cow disease and that Mato Grosso is a state that values excellent animal health conditions.
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“In September last year, we had two cases of atypical mad cow. Both China and Russia have blocked meat imports. One hundred days later, China resumed purchases and Russia maintained its embargoes, when it only accepted animals up to 30 months of age. Now, the country is returning to buying live animals and their viscera,” he explained.
“Other countries such as Iran, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, which had some type of sanctions, have now suspended them. This is nothing more than a recognition of the health and quality of our herd”, concluded Francisco Manzi.
Source: DATA