Image: Pixabay
Limitations on external sales of fertilizers would affect global rural producers during the next winter grain planting, scheduled for this autumn 2022, and during the next grain planting in the spring of 2023, according to the Russians' quote.
“In addition to the (availability of) seeds, the key to the success of the sowing campaign is the availability of mineral fertilizers. In the right quantities and at affordable prices,” said Russian Deputy Prime Minister Viktoria Abramchenko on social media.
The restrictions on the exit of nitrogen fertilizers, of which Russia is one of the biggest global sellers, were decided by Moscow even before the outbreak of war in Ukraine and were valid from December 1st to May 31st.
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President Vladimir Putin once again blamed “hostile Western countries for fueling a global food and energy price crisis” by imposing trade sanctions as a way of pressuring Russia to back down from its invasion of Ukraine.
On the other hand, commodity traders began restricting sugar shipments to Russia, aiming to further increase domestic prices and increase pressure on the Russian government.
Sugar is widely used in Russia, including for preserving fruit and making vodka. Viktoria Abramchenko told state TV Rossiya 1 that the country has enough sugar stocks to meet demand before the new beet crop arrives in September.