Image: Pixabay
Last Friday (15), the Famato System received representatives from the Chinese company Boshiran – Xian Jiang Boshiran Intelligent Agricultural Machinery Co. Ltd, considered the largest cotton harvester factory in China. The company wants to expand its business in Mato Grosso and will test its equipment with rural producers in the state. The visit was mediated by the AgriHub Institute and CCPIT – Council for the Promotion of Foreign Trade with the Brics Countries.
In addition to learning about business opportunities in the state, one of the representatives, Zhikui Quian, presented the company's technological innovations and agreed with AgriHub that by the end of this year it will send two harvesters to be tested by cotton producers in Mato Grosso.
“This market is important for Boshiran and Brazil. We have a lot of research and our patent is strong. We do research for everything, we have spare parts and services to support customers,” said company CEO Chen Yong.
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The company's headquarters are in the Xinjiang region, which concentrates 80% of Chinese cotton production. “We are close to rural producers, so we can get quick feedback to develop the best products”, said one of the representatives. This was the group's first visit to Brazil, which was impressed by the technological and industrial development of Brazilian agriculture. The company began its activities in China in 2009 and has already developed 129 of its own patents, including sprayers, planters and harvesters. In addition, the company has four research and development centers in four Chinese cities.
“China is a potential market for Mato Grosso. For us, it is important to know the opportunities that exist in agricultural machinery. We know about the Chinese demand for food and the potential we have in serving them with the production we develop in the state”, stated the president of Sistema Famato, Normando Corral. Brazil occupies fourth place in the world ranking of cotton production and Mato Grosso is first in the national ranking. Around 75% of state production is destined for export and China is the main buyer market. Last year alone, the country imported 407.97 thousand tons of Mato Grosso plume.
The robotics company Inlif also made a presentation about the technologies it develops for agricultural production. The executive director of AgriHub, Otávio Celidonio, spoke about the mission of the Institute, which is part of the Famato System, and showed the opportunities in agriculture and future partnerships with the sector. Imea's Regional Development coordinator, Vanessa Gasch, presented agricultural data in Mato Grosso, especially cotton production. Representatives from the Mato Grosso Technological Park, the Senai Institute of Technology and the Secretariats of Economic Development and Science and Technology also participated.