Surveys carried out by the Brazilian Animal Protein Association (ABPA) show that pork exports (considering all products, both fresh and processed) reached 614.5 thousand tons between January and October, a volume 38.1% higher than that achieved in the same period of the previous year, which was 444.9 thousand tons.
Specifically in October, 62.6 thousand tons were exported, a performance 21.5% higher than that achieved in the tenth month of 2015 (with 51.5 thousand tons).
“We saw the average volume shipped rise in the second half of the year to more than 65 thousand tons, compared to an average of 58 thousand tons in the first six months of the year. This market behavior points to a final balance of more than 700 thousand tons this year”, explains the executive president of ABPA, Francisco Turra.
With this performance, sales generated foreign exchange revenue of US$ 1.208 billion between January and October, a result that exceeds the balance obtained in the first ten months of 2015 (US$ 1.065 billion) by 13.4%.
When converted into reais, the increases reached 2.5% only in the month of October, with R$ 465.7 million (compared to R$ 454.3 million in October 2015), and 19.5% between January and October this year, with R$ 4.182 billion (compared to R$ 3.500 billion in the first ten months of 2015).
The largest importer of pork in Brazil (with 34% of the total), Russia imported 206.7 thousand tons between January and October, a number 3% higher than that recorded in the same period in 2015 (200.3 thousand tons).
Secondly, Hong Kong imported 140 thousand tons in the same period (equivalent to 23.1% of the total), a volume 45% greater than the 96.3 thousand tons made in the same period last year.
To China, the third main destination (with 12.4% of the total), 75.4 thousand tons were exported, which exceeds by more than 2.400% the 3 thousand tons registered in the previous year.
Other markets also increased their purchases this year, such as Chile (at 216%, with 19.4 thousand tons between January and October), Argentina (119%, with 18.6 thousand tons), Uruguay (at 32%, with 23.2 thousand tons ) and Singapore (with 20%, totaling 26.9 thousand tons.
“With the exception of Venezuela and Angola, we practically did not record any declines among Brazilian pork importers. In general, the sales balance was very positive, especially in South America and the Chinese market”, analyzes Rui Eduardo Saldanha Vargas, technical vice-president of ABPA.
Source: Agrolink with advisory information