Image: Pixabay
The agribusiness trade balance registered a record value in August, mainly driven by the rise in international prices of commodities exported by Brazil. The value exported was US$ 10.90 billion, a figure 26.7% higher than the US$ 8.60 billion exported in the same month of 2020.
In 2013 alone, Brazilian agribusiness exports reached the same level of US$ 10 billion for the months of August.
Despite the record export value, the share of agribusiness in the country's total exports fell from 49.4% (August/2020) to 40.1% (August/2021).
Imports of agribusiness products rose from US$ 912.47 million, in August 2020, to US$ 1.25 billion, in August 2021 (+37.2%). The values were influenced by the rise in international prices, as in the case of wheat and palm oil, with an increase in the average imported price by 23.1% and 67.6%, respectively. In this way, the agribusiness trade balance reached US$ 9.64 billion.
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The soybean complex (in grains, bran and oil), the main exporting sector of Brazilian agribusiness, reached foreign exchange of US$ 4.02 billion, which meant an increase of 53.6% in relation to the US$ 2.62 billion exported in August 2020.
The increase in the volume of soybeans exported in grain and the strong increase in international prices resulted in US$ 3.14 billion of exports in August 2021 (+52.5%).
The supply of the oilseed was a record in the 2020/2021 Brazilian harvest, with 136 million tons of soybeans, an increase of 8.9%, favoring export capacity, according to the analysis of the Secretariat of Commerce and International Relations (SCRI) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (Map).
Forest products
The forest products sector was one of the sectors that exceeded the figure of US$ 1 billion in exports in the month of August. The exported value reached US$ 1.25 billion (+40.5%), due to the strong increase in average export prices (+31.2%).
In the sector, cellulose exports were the most important, with US$ 610.67 million (+47.2%). There was a record in the volume of cellulose exported for August, with 1.35 million tons (6.9%).
Foreign meat sales totaled US$ 2.09 billion (+40.5%), an unprecedented mark for the month of August since the beginning of the historical series in 1997. Average meat export prices rose (+34.8%), thus as there was an expansion in the volume of foreign sales (+4.2%). The result is related to supply, demand and costs of global production, according to the SCRI study.
A reduction in global beef production is expected to 60.8 million tons (-1.1%), with a reduction in slaughter in Argentina, Australia and Brazil, which puts strong pressure on international prices.
Beef, the main animal protein exported by the country, totaled US$ 1.17 billion in August 2021 (+55.6%), with an increase in the average exported price of 41.3%. Volumes grew by 10.1%, according to Secretariat analysts. China increased purchases of the fresh product from US$ 325.18 million in August 2020 to US$ 633.15 million in August 2021 (+94.7%). In volume, there were 105.86 thousand tons (+35.3%).
Chicken meat exports reached US$ 663.55 million (+35.2%). There was an increase in the quantity exported by 3.8% and an increase in the average export price by 30.3%.
By: Dylan Della Pasqua | Crops and Market