Image: Pixabay
Accumulated revenue in the first two months of this year reached US$ 308.2 million, 7.2% lower than that recorded in the same period of 2021, when US$ 332.2 million was obtained.
Considering only the month of February, the sector's sales reached 71.5 thousand tons, a volume 11.9% lower than the 81.1 thousand tons exported in the second month of last year. The balance in dollars of shipments for the month totaled US$ 147.4 million, 20.6% lower than the result for February 2021, with US$ 185.7 million.
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“In a historically more contained period for pork exports, shipments were in line with expectations. In the coming months, the estimate is that shipment levels will increase, even to alleviate the high and historic production costs faced by the sector”, highlights the president of ABPA, Ricardo Santin.
The main destination for Brazilian pork exports, China imported 53 thousand tons (-28.5%) in the first two months of this year. Consolidating itself among the main importers, the Philippines imported 9.6 thousand tons (+471.6%) in the period. Other highlights were Argentina, with 8.1 thousand tons (+76.6%) and Singapore, with 7.3 thousand tons (+27.1%).
“There was a notable and expected slowdown in this month's consolidated numbers for the Chinese market, as purchases for the Chinese New Year had already been carried out in previous months. However, there are already indications of a resumption of exports that should reflect on the results of the coming months”, assesses Luís Rua, markets director at ABPA.
Source: DATA