Brazil's soybean exports should fall by 24% in April, predicts Anec

Exportação de soja do Brasil deve cair 24% em abril, prevê Anec
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Brazil's soybean exports were estimated this Wednesday at 10.65 million tons in April, a drop of 24% compared to the same month last year, according to a report from the National Association of Cereal Exporters (Anec).

In volumes, the reduction compared to April 2023 would be 3.4 million tons.

This month usually sees some of the highest monthly export volumes of the year for the country, the country's largest global producer and exporter. oilseed, as the harvest is already more advanced at this time.

Anec did not present, in the report, reasons for the decline in volumes shipped, but cites problems in the Brazilian harvest due to the drought.

They project a reduction of 2.9 million tons in exports in April compared to March.

Brazil had already had reduced shipments in March, compared to the same month last year, to 13.56 million tons. Furthermore, in the first quarter, Brazil exported 25.42 million tons, according to Anec figures, still above the same period last year, 22.9 million tons.

However, considering the projection for April, exports in the first four months would total around 36 million tons. Remaining almost 1 million tons below the same period last year, due to the drop expected for this month.

The reduction in shipments comes amid the harvest of a smaller crop than last year's record. In this context, Anec cited figures from Agroconsult, which projects a 2023/24 harvest of 156.5 million tons.

Source: Roberto Samora | Notícias Agrícolas


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