Image: Pixabay
In relation to world production, the agriculture department estimates a harvest of 780.58 million tons.
According to data from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), wheat sales closed at 469 thousand tons of the 2022/2023 harvest, in the week ending December 8. The main buyers and destinations were not disclosed.
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Regarding the 2023/2024 harvest, no sales figures were mentioned. Even so, sales were above the forecast of analysts consulted by Dow Jones Newswires in recent weeks.
Experts predicted a volume of between 150 thousand and 400 thousand tons during the week. In total, shipments totaled 255.9 thousand tons. Meanwhile in Brazil, the Brazilian production estimate is 9.55 million tons this year, according to the National Grain Company (Conab).
In relation to world production, the agriculture department estimates a harvest of 780.58 million tons.
Source: Iara Siqueira | agrolink