Image: Pixabay
Swimming against the tide of drought, farmer Fernando Mantuan, 27 years old, stands out for his high productivity in grain and fruit crops. The secret is in irrigation: since 2015, he has placed water at the center of his management, having invested in 23 pivots to irrigate 1,850 of the 4,300 hectares located in the region of Araguari, MG. The producer works with corn, soybean seeds, beans, peas, sunflower, sorghum, wheat, coffee, onions and potatoes, being a reference in quality for the market. “Since 2007, we have been planting tomatoes, I became one of the largest producers in Brazil. But, in 2015, we realized that the culture was at an unstable moment, and I saw great potential in the pivot to regain productivity”, he comments.
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According to data released by the Rural Producers Cooperative (Coopercitrus), the first two pivots installed, covering 280 hectares, were acquired through Coopercitrus projects, planned to generate greater efficiency with the rational use of water. “Today we have Coopercitrus as a great partner, present in the day-to-day farming and everything that is converted into added value to our productivity”, says the producer.
Over the years, the irrigated area grew, reaching 1,850 hectares in total. The water supply, with a capacity of 1.8 million liters of water per hour, is provided via dams, water reservoirs and artesian wells: “We make a plan to know how much water we will need per year, and within this plan I I know how many cubic meters of water I will require”, explains the producer.
With the right amount of water throughout the year, Fernando achieved a different level of productivity. On average, he calculates that each irrigated hectare represents the productivity of four rainfed hectares. The quality of production also increased, particularly soybeans, with an average of 95 bags harvested per hectare.
“When we irrigate, we take the risk out. This generates more competitiveness in negotiations, because we start to work with crops with high added value. Everything we can do to improve our business, we do”, highlights the young entrepreneur.
By: Aline Merladete | agrolink