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Complaints about canceled deliveries of this product are the same in relation to the herbicide Diquat, used to desiccate soybeans, and which is also missing on the market.
Faced with this scenario of uncertainty, Aprosoja Brasil and Abramilho publicly express concern about the shortage of products in the Brazilian market, which places the second corn harvest under serious threat.
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Atrazine is the main herbicide for corn crops. Without it, producers run the risk of not being able to produce the cereal. This is because this is the only herbicide for broadleaf weeds, and it is also used to control volunteer RR soybean among corn plants.
Second crop corn, in rotation with soybeans, is responsible for supplying more than 70% of the Brazilian cereal market supply. In recent years there have been crop failures, damaging the profitability of some producers and putting pressure on corn prices.
The lack of herbicide creates even more difficulties for producers in Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paraná, Mato Grosso do Sul and part of São Paulo who were seriously affected by the drought in the first corn harvest, and also impacts the consumer Final.
In this sense, it is essential to guarantee the supply of inputs for the good development of the corn harvest, avoiding losses to producers and the animal protein industry.
Therefore, we ask the competent bodies to act to ensure the release and registration of companies that are able to produce sufficient volumes of Atrazine to supply the Brazilian market in the current harvest, as well as allowing the import of products from Mercosur countries. We also request that supplier companies bear farmers' losses in the event of cancellation or delay in delivery.
Clipping: Notícias Agrícolas | Source: Aprosoja Brasil