Embrapa Meio-Norte researcher, Luís Carlos Guilherme, was one of the speakers at the edition of the Pint of Science event in Teresina – PI. The event, which takes place in bars, is an opportunity to talk about science in a simple and relaxed way.
In 2017, the event takes place in 11 countries, in more than 100 cities, over 3 nights. In Brazil, 22 cities are participating. Several Embrapa Units located in these cities have researchers talking about science during the event, which takes place from May 15th to 17th.
Researcher Luís Carlos Guilherme presented the topic “What has science done to eliminate hunger in the world?” and spoke about the Embrapa Sisteminha, a technology aimed at combating hunger in which in the same area it is possible to produce different types of food through the planting of plant species (corn, vegetables, etc.) and the raising of fish, goats, chickens or others animals.
The event was created to provide debates on scientific topics with those who do science. It is carried out by volunteers and was created by a community of postgraduate students and postdoctoral researchers in 2013, in England. Organized for the first time in 2013, the festival takes place for three days annually and simultaneously in several countries around the world. Pint of Science is a non-profit organization that establishes partnerships around the world to make this festival possible.
Source: Agrolink