By the end of the first half of the year, Brazil had imported around 19.2 million tons of fertilizers, 20% more than in the same period of the previous year.
Even with a forecast reduction in fertilizer imports by the end of 2022 at 30%, the ports of Paraná maintain a high rate of unloading the product. In just the last two days, Agência Marítima Fortenave simultaneously served four ships loaded with fertilizers, two ships docked at the port of Paranaguá and two others at Porto Ponta do Félix, in Antonina.
In total, these vessels unloaded 107,236 tons of input, coming from Jordan, Nigeria, Egypt and China.
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Furthermore, as of Tuesday afternoon (22/11), eight ships were waiting to unload the product in Paranaguá and Antonina, and around 12 are on their way to ports in Paraná, according to information from the lineup of companies responsible for agency. maritime.
The director of the company responsible for the maritime agency of the four vessels, Ismael Pires, explains that a series of factors contribute to the Port of Paranaguá continuing to be one of the largest importers of fertilizers in Brazil, including the activity of the maritime agent.
“Portos do Paraná invests in maritime and land infrastructure and in the productivity of ships. On the other hand, we have maritime agencies in Paraná with great expertise that provide support in all work between the parties involved in maritime transport. In other words, between the shipowner, charterer, the port authority and customs brokers”, says Ismael.
Maritime agents are a connection between the ship and the ports, providing the authorities with all the data necessary for the process of arriving at the port and docking the ship, as well as releasing the vessel, cargo and crew.
According to the director of Fortenave, Ismael Pires, even with the fertilizer market going through a period of adjustment in stocks, discharges continue because the country depends on foreign products. “Brazil imports more than 80% of fertilizers used in agribusiness. The Ports of Paraná are among the main entry points for fertilizers in the country, with 30% of the total”, concludes Pires.
Source: Alice Merladete | agrolink