In an era marked by doubts and misinformation about the consumption of chicken meat, Agricultural Engineer Juarez Morbini Lopes clarified doubts about one of the most persistent myths: the use of hormones in broiler chickens. After more than three decades dedicated to teaching and research in the area of nutrition and poultry farming, Morbini addressed the popular belief about the accelerated growth of these birds.
According to Morbini, hormones are not effective in promoting bird growth, contradicting misconceptions widespread in society. He cites research that proves the ineffectiveness of using androgenic substances to stimulate weight gain in birds. Hormones are not efficient for bird growth, as demonstrated by Fennell & Scanes (1992), where the use of three types of androgenic substances (testosterone, 5α-dihydrotestosterone and 19-nortestosterone) via subcutaneous implantation in Leghorn birds (males, females, and castrated males) reduced body weight gain.
Morbini also highlights that Turner observed in 1948 that androgen, whether in natural or synthetic form, inhibits the growth of chickens, and other studies confirmed this observation (Visco, 1973; Harvey & Scanes, 1978). Many reasons prevent the use of these products in poultry production. Cells secrete hormones, natural chemical substances, with the function of regulating the physiological control of other cells or organs. These endogenous substances are essential for the regulation, biosynthesis and metabolism of muscle proteins.
Nutrients essential for the proper development of animals, such as minerals, vitamins and amino acids, promote the multiplication of muscle cells, responsible for the growth of birds. Since the confinement of animals implies the need to provide all nutrients through balanced feed, caregivers must ensure that there is no lack of any essential nutrient for the birds' growth.
Advanced nutrition and legal practices in poultry production
Amino acids, normally sold for increasing muscle mass, are not hormones, but nutrients essential to the composition of proteins. Once ingested, the small intestine absorbs them and, through the bloodstream, they reach the cells where they perform their function. This is also the case for other substances such as vitamins and minerals. Animal nutrition specialists use all of these nutrients to balance the diets of production birds.
Furthermore, the expert highlights that, according to MAPA's Normative Instruction, the administration of hormonal substances in poultry feeding and production is illegal, reinforcing that such practices are not only inefficient, but also prohibited by law.
Morbini emphasizes that decades of scientific and technological advances in the area of genetics, nutrition, management and health control have resulted in the rapid growth of birds. Genetic selection, balanced rations, preventive health and modern facilities are fundamental for efficient animal breeding.
Given these clarifications, Morbini assures consumers that chicken meat is a healthy and safe option, free from any exogenous hormones in its composition.
Understand the reasons for not using hormones in chickens:
1) Peptides, such as muscle growth hormones, do not work orally due to degradation in the digestive system. For them to be effective, individuals must inject them periodically. Imagine injecting 500 million chickens every 2 or 3 days. It's totally impractical!
2) The administration of prohibited substances in poultry production is illegal, including those to stimulate growth and feed efficiency.
3) Inefficiency in use: As reported above, there is no benefit in using androgen hormones in birds. On the contrary, they cause performance reduction.
4) Economy: Substances like growth hormone are expensive and are currently only used in research. Its use on an industrial scale is incompatible with the narrow profit margins of commercial poultry farming.
Source: Aline Merladete | agrolink