Even following the typical variations of the consumer market – high sales in the first half of the month, loss of growing pace in the second half of the month and, with it, a drop in prices – eggs performed slightly better in June than in May.
It is true that it was unable to repeat the result observed in April, when it reached the best nominal value of all time. But it showed an increase of almost 4.5% over the previous month, obtaining an average price that represented an appreciation close to 2% over June 2016.
Due to this last result and the gains accumulated in the previous four months (only in January did the price of eggs evolve negatively in relation to the same month of the previous year), the average value achieved in the semester (in the order of R$82.44/box for cargo of extra white eggs sold in the city of São Paulo) showed an appreciation of just over 10% compared to R$74.93/box in the same half of 2016.
Faced with inflation that in the last 12 months should not reach 3.5% and a production cost around 15% lower than that of the same six months of 2016, the result obtained is extremely favorable to the sector. Even better if you take into account that, in the first half of last year, eggs had already increased in value by around 30% over the same period in the previous year.
In other words: in 2016, egg producers managed to keep up, if not entirely, with part of the rise in production costs. And in 2017, despite the drop in costs, it did not lose control of the market. Something that should be learned by other segments of Brazilian poultry farming.
Even so, the sector did not obtain results that could be considered exceptional. Thus, for example, prices recorded during the first half of 2017 only followed the product's seasonal price curve. Thus, while according to the seasonal curve (a period of 16 years between January 2001 and December 2016), prices in the first half of the year appreciated by just over 11% in relation to the average of the previous year, in the first half of 2017 this appreciation was at 9.78% – just 1.29 percentage points difference.
Since in the third quarter of 2016 the prices recorded were not very different from those achieved between February and June 2017, from now on the gains tend to be more moderate. But not only that: in order for them to be confirmed, they request increased attention from the production sector, as, for example, the price recorded at the opening of July (R$83-85/box) is below the average recorded a year ago (R$86.85/kg ). Furthermore, there are no school meals this month. Production control cannot be lost sight of.
Source: Agrolink