Image: Datagro
The third edition of the Brazil Livestock Forum takes place on August 10 in SP and brings together the main representatives of the area.
The main leaders of the livestock sector will debate at an event, on August 10th, the market perspectives for this second half of the year, after a turbulent first six months for the sector. The combination of a greater supply of animals, a Chinese embargo on meat exports from Brazil, a domestic market that still presents difficulties and other factors have put pressure on arroba prices throughout Brazil.
Despite a complicated first half of 2023, Brazilian livestock farming is experiencing a historic moment, accessing new markets around the world, exporting quality meat and increasingly paying attention to sustainability issues. Integration with other production chains makes Brazilian livestock farming increasingly competitive and demands increasingly more professionalization from all agents involved.
In this scenario, the third edition of the Brazil Livestock Forum, promoted by DATAGRO, an independent Brazilian agricultural consultancy, which monitors the main commodities and energy markets, will bring together livestock farmers, input and equipment suppliers, professional associations, representatives of the meatpacking industry, financial market and the public sector. The event takes place at the Blue Tree Transatlântico Convention Center (SP), with the presence of the main names in Brazilian livestock farming and authorities from the federal and state government.
“The time to be together is important due to the various uncertainties that permeate the perspectives of the beef cattle market for the second half of 2023. The first half of this year was turbulent for the chain as a whole, as we had a 29-day embargo of our biggest buyer of meat in the international market, the Chinese, who, in addition, do not have as strong a demand for meat as expected this year after the end of the Covid policy”, assesses João Otávio de Assis Figueiredo, Economist and Leader of Research, DATAGRO Livestock.
According to Figueiredo, the “livestock cycle in Brazil continues to expand the supply of finished animals and the slaughter of females remains at record levels throughout the national territory”.
Among the leaders who confirmed their presence are: Breno Maia, Commodities Broker; Caio Penido, President IMAC – Instituto Mato-Grossense da Carne; Fernando Queiroz, CEO, Minerva Foods; Fernando Sampaio, Director of Sustainability, ABIEC; Florêncio de Queiroz Neto, Director of the Queiroz de Queiroz Group; Guilherme Jank, DATAGRO Analyst; Guilherme Moraes, National Marketing Manager – Pastagem, IHARA; Guilherme Nastari, Director, DATAGRO; Guilherme Oranges, Commercial Director, Barra Mansa Alimentos; João Otávio de Assis Figueiredo, Economist and Research Leader, DATAGRO Pecuária; Leandro Bovo, Director, Radar Investimentos; Leonardo Alencar, Equity Research, XP Investimentos; Louis Gourbin, Head of Commodities, B3; Luiz Roberto Zillo, Zootechnician, Livestock Consultant, DATAGRO, Associate, DATAGRO Financial; Mauricio Möller, CEO, Ypoti; Mauricio Velloso, President, Assocon – Intensive Livestock Association; Michel Torteli, COO, FinPec; Oswaldo Furlan Junior, President, Grupo Pecuária Brasil – GPB; Paulo Dancieri, CEO, Bovexo; Plinio Nastari, President, DATAGRO; Renato Costa, President, Friboi JBS; Rogério Goulart, Editor of Carta Pecuária e Pecuarista; Sergio Bortolozzo, President, Brazilian Rural Society; Victor Campanelli, Executive Director, Campanelli and Vilmondes S. Tomain, President, Federation of Agriculture and Livestock of Mato Grosso – Famato.
Service: Day: August 10th (Thursday)
Local: Blue Tree Transatlântico Convention Center (Av. Cecília Lottenberg, 130 – Chácara Santo Antônio, São Paulo – SP)
Site: Link
Accreditation: Link
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Check out the event highlights video in 2022: Link
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