The monthly survey by Embrapa Swine and Poultry indicates that in January the cost of chicken production remained at the same level as the previous two months. It was, therefore, at R$2.82/kg, a lower result than those recorded between April and October 2018, a period in which it reached the maximum value of R$2.95/kg (September 2018). Despite stability, the cost of January 2019 was 13.71% higher than that of January 2018, in addition to corresponding to the highest cost for the month of January. In this way, it exceeded the cost calculated for January 2017 by 8% and, practically, 1% the cost calculated for January 2016, the year in which – due to the lower availability of raw materials – chicken was subject to the highest production cost. production of history. However, commercially, the current situation is not much different from that recorded in 2016, as the current cost of R$2.82/kg is just three cents below the record average recorded that year – R$2.85/kg. In other words: the production sector needs to remain extremely attentive to this evolution, as, if current marketing conditions persist, the 2016 record could be surpassed.