Image: Pixabay
According to the National Supply Company (Conab) published in its Agricultural Monitoring Bulletin for April, in the accumulated rainfall recorded between April 1st and 21st, it was observed that precipitation occurred, more significantly, in the North region of country. Also covering Maranhão and part of Mato Grosso, where second-crop cotton and corn crops were favored. The lowest rainfall rates occurred in Mato Grosso do Sul, in parts of São Paulo and Paraná, mainly restricting second-crop bean and corn crops in reproductive stages. On the other hand, the few rains favored progress in the harvest of soybeans and corn in the first harvest.
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The daily average of water storage between April 1st and 21st was below what is necessary for the full development of crops, which is delayed, in relation to the previous harvest, in the states above. This delay, especially for corn in the second harvest, is still a reflection of the soybean planting and harvesting calendar postponed by the delay in rain at the beginning of this harvest.
Through storage maps, the bulletin identifies that at each seven-day interval, soil moisture decreased throughout the monitoring period. However, the impact on crop development still needs to be measured, as there may be recovery depending on the stage at which most crops are.
In terms of the first harvest, the harvest is advancing in the producing states.
Goiás: Harvest began during the last few weeks and intensified greatly, reaching around 60% of the total harvested area by the second tenth of April. The yields obtained have been satisfactory, however, the reduction in the planted area had an impact on the harvest forecasts, with production expected to be lower than that predicted in the first surveys of the 2019/20 harvest.
Minas Gerais: Harvest reaching 3/4 of the total sown area, with the rest of the crops already in the maturation phase. Final production is expected to increase compared to 2019/20, particularly due to the increase in planted area.
São Paulo: There are few areas left to be harvested in the state and it is estimated that production will be lower compared to the previous harvest. There was a reduction in the planted area this season, also impacting the initially estimated result.
Paraná: There is a delay in the crop cycle compared to the historical average in the region. The drought that occurred at the beginning of the harvest postponed the sowing cycle. Currently, the harvest is in its final phase, occurring intensely, favored by the recently recorded dry weather. In general, even with an increase in the area planted this season, a reduction in final production is estimated, compared to 2019/20, due to climate fluctuations throughout the development of crops.
Santa Catarina: Harvest in the final phase, with few areas remaining to be harvested in the state. The drought that occurred between September and October 2020, in addition to the high incidence of leafhopper attacks in some regions, reduced the crop's productive potential. Therefore, even with an increase in the sown area, production will be below that of the previous harvest.
Rio Grande do Sul: Harvesting operations advanced, but at a less intense pace, due to the prioritization of efforts to harvest soybeans. Even so, around 77% of the total area planted with corn in the state had already been harvested by the third week of April. Crops that were sown earlier, especially in the northwest of the state, were more affected by the drought at the beginning of the cycle and presented considerable losses. Overall, average productivity is higher than the previous season, 2019/2020, but lower than the 2018/1019 harvest, considered a normal harvest for the state.
Bahia: Harvest operations are underway. In the Center South and Center North of the state, the development of crops was hampered due to the water deficit that lasted until the end of January and as a result, records show significant losses in productivity. In the Far West, weather conditions were better, yielding more vigorous crops. In general, the expectation is for a state average productivity lower than that recorded in 2019/20, but due to the increase in area, a higher production is estimated
In the second harvest or second harvest, there are impacts from the climate and attacks from pests such as leafhoppers. It is not yet possible to measure losses due to delays in the planting window in the two largest producers, Mato Grosso and Paraná. Check out the panorama:
Mato Grosso: Sowing completed, confirming the estimated growth in the planted area compared to the previous harvest. Almost 40% of crops were planted outside the period considered ideal for planting the crop. Thus, concern arises about the climatic conditions during the cycle, mainly in relation to the incidence of rain, as this season is usually one of low rainfall in the Central-West.
Paraná: Sowing is practically finished. To date, most of the crops already established are in regular and good condition, however, maintaining low soil humidity can impact the development of the crop.
Mato Grosso do Sul: Planting completed, but under unfavorable conditions, especially in relation to water availability in the soil. The lack of rain has worried producers, both for the emergence of plants and for their development.
By: Eliza Maliszewski | agrolink