Image: Pixabay
For soybean meal, an increase in the volume shipped was also recorded, 2.3% versus Jul/2021. Regarding prices, tons of the complex's three main products increased by 36.4%, 29.6% and 11.1% for grain, oil and bran, respectively compared to Jul/21. In the animal protein sector, for fresh beef, 167 thousand tons of the product were exported in Jul/22. Sales are 9.6% higher in quantity compared to what was shipped in the previous month. Compared to exports from Jul/21, the volume is 1.1% higher.
For chicken meat there was a decrease of 4.5% in the volume exported in Jul/22 compared to the seventh month of 2021, while in pork the decrease was greater, as external sales of the product recorded in Jul/22 fell by 5.2% in compared to that recorded in the same month of the previous year. As for prices in dollars for animal proteins, the values of chicken and beef were 27.2% and 20.3% higher in the comparison of the seventh month of this year versus Jul/21. On the other hand, in the same period, pork showed a drop of 4.6% in the quoted ton.
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In the sugar-energy complex, if comparing Jul/22 against Jul/21, the quantities of refined and raw sugar shipped increased by 17.9% and 16.2%, respectively. On the other hand, ethanol registered a lower volume of 4.8% in the same comparison. Prices in dollars were higher for the three main products compared to Jul/21, 33.8% for ethanol, 18.4% for refined sugar and 18.1% for raw sugar. As for foreign sales of corn, the volume of 4.1 million tons exported in Jul/22 was 106.9% higher than that shipped in Jul/21.
In addition to the strong external demand for the Brazilian product due to the conflicts in Eastern Europe, the compromised production of second harvest corn in 2021, especially in the Center-South region, contributed to this increase in foreign sales of the cereal. Regarding prices in dollars, the product registered an increase of 40.0% compared to the Jul/21 price. In relation to cotton, the total shipped in the seventh month of the year was 61.7% lower compared to the same month in 2021, but prices in dollars increased by 58.3% in the same period.
The data is from Consultoria Agro Itaú BBA.
Source: Aline Merladete | agrolink