Image: Pixabay
In the soybean complex, the highlight is soybean oil, which in 2021 had a volume of 1.5 million tons shipped, 69.3% higher in relation to the total in 2020. As for soybeans in grain, the volume exported was 3.8% higher versus 2020, totaling 86.1 million tons. For soybean meal, foreign sales accumulated 17.4 million tons, a volume 2.6% higher compared to 2020. Thus, in 2021, exports of the complex's three main products totaled USD 48.1 billion, an increase of 37.3% in relation to the 2020 total.
In terms of animal proteins, fresh beef again recorded a drop in the volume exported in December/21 compared to December/2020, a decrease of 11.0%. However, the recovery in total exports in the last month stands out compared to November 2021, which represented 126.9 thousand tons, a value 56.3% higher. This improvement can be explained by the normalization of the flow of beef purchases by the Chinese from the 15th.
Thus, in 2021, the volume of fresh beef exported was 9.5% lower than in 2020, totaling 1.56 million tons, justified by the Chinese blockade between 4/Sep and 15/Dec. Highlights for fresh pork and chicken meat, which recorded increases of 12.7% and 8.3%, respectively, in annual volumes exported versus 2020. For fresh pork, foreign sales totaled 1 million tons and for fresh chicken meat 4.4 million tons.
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With regard to prices in dollars, for animal proteins, the highlights are the gains in annual prices compared to 2020 for fresh chicken meat (25.3%) and fresh pork (16.8%). For fresh beef, even with the reduction in volume, prices in 2021 were 7.0% higher compared to 2020. In the sugar-energy complex, the three main products recorded drops in exported volumes, in the annual comparison. For ethanol, the volume exported was 1.6 million tons, a drop of 26.8% compared to 2020. Refined sugar registered 3.26 million tons shipped in 2021, a reduction of 17.6% compared to 2020.
As for raw sugar, the volume of foreign sales was 23.9 million tons, 10.6% lower compared to the previous year. In December/21, the 157.8 thousand m³ of ethanol exported resulted in a significant increase of 85.3% versus November/21.
For corn, the volume exported in 2021 was 20.4 million tons, a value 41.1% lower than the volume in 2020. This reduction can be justified by the fall in the off-season. Despite the reduction in volume, prices in dollars for cereal increased by 20.6% in 2021 and 23.4% for those shipped in December/2021, compared to the same periods in 2020. In relation to cotton, the total shipped in the year was 2.1 million tons, a reduction of 3.3% compared to 2020.
Thinking now about the ports, there was a decrease of 2% in the volume exported through the port of Santos (SP) in 2021 compared to the total shipped in 2020. The same goes for the port of Paranaguá (PR), another significant unit in Brazilian exports, where there was decrease in 1%. Highlight is the increase in the participation of the ports of Rio Grande (RS) with 3% and São Luís (MA) with 1% more than the previous year.
When segmented between the main volumes exported by commodity (soy, corn, bran and sugar), the participation between the ports of Arco Sul and Arco Norte highlights the change in the logistical flow of corn. Cereal increased 7 percentage points in 2021 in Arco Norte's share, totaling 48% in these ports, while in Arco Sul the concentration was 52%. The other products mentioned did not have structural changes in the flow between the two port regions.
analysis by Consultoria Agro Itaú.
By: Aline Merladete | agrolink